Wednesday 1 July 2009

EBA: Second Felixstowe Fixture Postponed

Our first fixture against Felixstowe and Suffolk was moved before the start of the season to avoid a clash with the Felixstowe Tournament at the end of July. This will now be played on Weds 12th August.

Our home fixture, due to be played had to be delayed because Felixstowe had the Top Team match and Fours league on the same night... We accomodated the move, rearranging this for Weds 19th August. We have since discovered that the Top Team match was played a week earlier, and our match was cancelled due to some of the players being involved in a friendly against a touring team that afternoon. They didn't want to play twice in a day. Not sure why they lied to us, but we have reported them to the league - and we will try extra hard to stuff them 2 weeks a row!!

1 comment:

  1. we will stuff them 2 weeks in a row
    especially the 'A'team - unbeaten on a Wednesday when all together
